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Student Spotlight | Stephany Machuca Hernandez

Student Spotlight | Stephany Machuca Hernandez | Sherrelwood, Level 5

Stephany is an outstanding student at Sherrelwood where she has been studying since Kindergarten. She has two older brothers, an older sister, and a baby brother. She prides herself that her name is unique. “My name is spelled differently from all the other Stephanies out there, which makes me unique.” Stephany loves school too. Someday, she wants to be either an actor or a nurse.

Stephany’s teachers and principal have nothing but wonderful things to say about her. “She’s a great kid! We’re just so proud of her,” raves Principal Cindy Davis.  

Favorite Food:  Taco al Camarón. This includes tortillas, shrimp, bell pepper and cheese.  My mom makes a good chipotle sauce which we call “Salsa de Chipotle.” You take a juicy red pepper and you cut that up. Then you put a tablespoon of mayonnaise and mustard and stir it. Then you take a can of chipotle sauce and mix it in the blender with the mayonnaise and mustard mixture until it is smooth.  It tastes so good with the tacos.  My favorite!

Favorite Athlete/Sport/Team: My dad and I always watch football. We are 49ers fans. 

Who is your favorite performer: Columbian singer Karol G, because I love her songs, especially since she is now retiring from making music and I want to remember her. She has her songs in Spanish and English as well. 

What is your favorite movie: Inside Out 2. I loved the emotions of the first one, but the second one has new emotions, and it shows the main character is growing and you shouldn’t worry about growing up. It is a good lesson for everybody.

What music or podcast are you listening to now:  Sabrina Carpenter, winner of a VMA.  I love her style. She has great dresses.

Favorite thing to do in free time: I like to listen to music and relax.

Favorite Animal:  Bunnies. I have a bunny named “Snowball,”  plus I leave carrots around the yard for the wild bunnies.  

Favorite Part of Being at Sherrelwood: Being a leader of the younger kids to show them examples of being a good student and also how to do very well in the hallways. Also, I like it when we make the district pop out to be recognized as a good district and school.

Superpower I wish I had: Teleportation.

What has WPS meant to you: WPS helps me get outside of my house instead of just being in my room. It helps me get my brain working more. Plus, I like being outside and having play time.